Saturday, February 12, 2011

Best movies of 2010

Thanks to Roman May

When it comes to the really good movies of 2010, I think that most of them were actually released around the holiday season at the very end of the year. So I've spent quite a bit of time at the movie theaters over the past few months watching them. Even though True Grit and Black Swan were both fantastic, my personal favorite of 2010 was Tron Legacy.

Now, I was probably a little biased about it because I am a really big fan of the original movie. So that gave me even more reason to see it as soon as it came out. I went online to find a midnight showing near me and while I was doing that I randomly ran across some broadband specials that looked so great that I ordered one of them for my home internet service.

Overall Tron was really great. Even if I had never seen the original I think I would have just been mesmerized by all of the visual effects, which really kept you from losing focus on the movie.